Well, today is our first post, and I’m excited to finally get this up and running! I’ve had the blog set up for weeks, but just haven’t had the time to post anything (or figure out what the heck I’m doing!).
The purpose of this online “notebook” is to try and update any friends and family (and whomever else for that matter!) on what’s happening with Baby B. Of course, it’s also a way for me (Lisa) to “vent” about the joys — and struggles — of pregnancy. (Maybe I can even get Jeff to post a few!)
I have to say that so far, pregnancy has been a fairly easy ride for me. Besides some emotional melt-downs (as Jeff can confirm!!) and compulsive over-worrying during the first trimester, I’ve been really blessed — no major health issues, morning sickness, or stretch marks (yet!), and I have a ton of support from my hubby, family, friends (especially those also expecting), and even my work. Honestly, I’m sometimes waiting for the ball to drop. Everything is truly falling into place.
Now, don’t let me fool you with all of this optimism. I’m sure there will be “posts” that will contain more complaints and details than you’ll want to hear, but I feel compelled to be a little wishy washy on this first one! :o)
So stay tuned for updates on everything from baby kicks and doctor appointments to belly size and swollen ankles!