The newest member of our family — Miss Emma Kay. Born Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 1:42 am. A perfect little bundle at 7 pounds 2 ounces and 21-inches long…with a smile bigger than the sun. More details to come! :o)
Archives for August 2005
2 Weeks to Go and Counting…
As expected, last night’s doctor’s appt. told us that nothing much had changed in 4 days. I’m definitely 2-cm dialated (he said last time was more like 1.5-2.0) and 75-percent effaced (last time more like 70 percent). Baby is at 0 station, or as the doctor said, “really, really low” (I could have told you that! :o) So now we wait…
I’m actually pretty glad that we didn’t get anymore ground-breaking news last night because to be honest, this past weekend was crazy. I questioned every ache and pain and pretty much drove myself insane. Do I go to work on Monday after cramping all through the night? Is this the start, I thought? In the end, I went to work and obviously it wasn’t the start, so I’ve decided to chill out. I have finally accepted that I have no idea when this baby is coming, so I might as well relax and enjoy these last moments of “freedom,” right? :o) I also interviewed every recent pregnant lady I know (as well as my mom) about their labor experiences, so I feel confident that I’ll “just know” and won’t end up at the hospital for false alarms. It’s funny — I’m honestly more worried about false alarms than delivering in the car or my water breaking in public. I would just hate for someone at work to drive me home only to find out I’m not in labor!
The doctor did talk about inducing if this baby does decide to wait 2 more weeks, but I REALLY don’t want that, so he said we could postpone that discussion until next week. Still, I know he won’t let me go more than a day or 2 past my due date, so we will meet Baby B the week of the 22nd at the latest. That is exciting, but I still pray this baby comes on his or her own!!
Next appt. isn’t until next Tuesday, so won’t have much to post. But who knows, maybe this next week will be it and I’ll be up to posting a quick note to pass the early labor hours. We’ll see! :o)
Ultrasound Update
First of all, I’m obviously still here, so no Baby B yet. :o( But the good news is that the ultrasound showed that everything is just fine with this little one. He or she is measuring average at about 6.5 pounds. My fluid levels are also good, as is placenta placement, etc. In fact, the baby is definitely “in position.” It was really hard to see since the ultrasound tech now had to go through bone to try and see the face, so we really didn’t get any good pictures. Plus, the baby’s face is totally smushed against my pelvic wall, so it wasn’t as cute as before. The one thing the doctor said is, “Wow those are some big lips!” :o) We know where those come from! We did see that the baby was sucking… a lot! Hopefully that means nursing will go smoothly…
I am definitely getting more tired now and am making many trips to the bathroom (for more reasons than one), so hopefully these are signs that it won’t be too much longer. I admit that I was really pumped after Thursday night, but here we are on Sunday, and not a whole lot is happening. I was feeling a lot of pressure in my lower back Friday night, but obviously nothing too major was going on. I am definitely getting anxious at this point. I even cleaned out some stuff at work just in case. But I guess it’s good that I have some more time to get things wrapped up. Jeff painted the last bathroom this weekend (gotta luv him!), and we were able to stop at Babies R Us and get the last-minute stuff we needed. We hung the wall hangings, and I finished organizing and doing baby laundry (which, by the way is WAY more fun than adult laundry. It’s all so tiny!). I also got all of my shower thank you cards finished. All that, and we even managed to chill today. I even floated in a pool… on my stomach!
So, I have to say I am ready now — REALLY ready! We just need Baby B to be ready!! I’m not tired of being pregnant yet, but I am anxious to finally meet this little scooch! Jeff seems to think that we still have 2 more weeks ahead of us. Yeah, the one who originally thought I would go early… but what does his opinion mean anyway?! He’s only the daddy! :o) My sister and I are betting on Tuesday (I luv her for that!). For some reason, August 9th just sounds good to us. But maybe we’re just being optimistic. Anybody have other guesses? If you think I’ll be late, post your comment at your own risk. Luv ya! :o)