*UPDATE: For those of you who asked, the shirt was a gift, but I know it was from The Red Balloon. Kendall actually has the “K,” but we’ll have to wait a few months before she fits into it! 🙂
Let’s Talk About It: Clothes
Mommy: Okay Emma, it’s time to get dressed.
Emma: Pink pants, Mommy.
M: No, those don’t match your shirt. Let’s put on your jeans.
E: No jeans Mommy! Comfy pink pants!!!
M: We can wear those pants for nap. Right now, you can wear your jeans.
E: No, I’m not.
M: Um, excuse me. Yes you are.
E: (Rolls around on the ground as if her life has just ended.) No, I’m not!
I’ll let you all imagine how the rest of the conversation went… :o)
Thanks ‘Bampa!
While most men were excited to watch “the Big Game” yesterday, Emma’s “Bampa” (my dad) was just as excited to built his first granddaughter a snow fort. A few weeks ago, he promised her he would build her the best fort ever when it snowed again. Well, after a snow-filled Friday and Saturday, we got the call that Sunday was going to be The Day.
I’d say he more than outdid himself. He was out there for over an hour on Sunday making the hugest mound ever, and then came over this morning to dig it all out.
As you can see, Emma can stand in it!
The man is totally butter around her. Anything for his “pretty girl, Emma.”