So is it me, or do you feel like some days your toddler wakes up a new person? I swear, those development spurts hit me out of nowhere every time.
And this time it is hitting me hard. The other day I was almost in tears because my baby was sitting at her little table and chairs “reading” a book. Like a big girl. I was so proud, but completely sad at the same time. Who is this little person? And more importantly, how in the world did she survive this long?! đŸ˜‰
Seriously, all of the sudden she is like a talking/learning machine. I’m sure it’s all normal for her age, but it is sure impressing me. Words sound like words. “Duck” is “duck” — complete with the “ck”. Doggie has graduated from “dada” to “doggie,” with the “g” sound. More went from “mah” to “mooooore.” Daddy is now clear as a bell. And if she doesn’t know the word, she tries really hard to communicate. And she repeats words pretty darn well too.
Of course, her favorite thing to do is tell me when she doesn’t want to do something. The word “no” accompanied by enthusiastic head shaking is more than a normal occurrence around here.
She knows more animal sounds — cow, bee, piggy, cat, sheep, bird. It is just so darn cute!
She has finally learned the concept of down, as opposed to “uppie” every time she wants to be transferred from someone’s arms to somewhere else. She gets what it means to “open” and asks you to do so (“oppie”) — only after some frustrating failed attempts of her own, of course.
She points to pictures and items and calls them by name: ball, doggy, baby, banana. She recognizes them and tells me what they are. She notices photos of Grandma and Grandpa, and calls them by name. It’s just so strange.
She has also gotten more loving. She still only gives quick loves, but they seem to be more often. I even got squeezed the other day during a hug — like a REAL hug. Usually I get arms around the neck and quick pat. But a squeeze?! I was like butta!
The whole “surprised” look is her latest thing. She looks at me and forms her mouth in a big “o” as if she is so shocked by what she is seeing. So funny!
And leaving her Mommy? No biggie. I now get a quick kiss and a wave goodbye as she runs off to play at the church nursery, or barely a second glance as I leave her with Grandma and Grandpa. Not a cry, not even a hesitation. It’s, “See ya, Mommy. I’ve got toys to play with here.”
She’s busy — oh yes — but so much fun! I can remember in those early days just wanting to get to this point, but now, well, now, I kinda want to rewind.
Or at least press pause.