My Belly at 27 weeks!
At long last, here are some belly shots. I took them on Saturday after the bridal luau we threw for my sister. Hence, the dress — and tired eyes. I don’t typically wear dresses (a.k.a. tents) while I’m preggers, but this one is so comfy, I may just sleep in it!
Anyway, still need to take some bare belly shots, but this should do for now. Can you believe I am entering my third trimester already? Crazy!
The results are in…
And I officially do NOT have gestational diabetes. What?!! I know! Crazy seeing as there was a 90-percent chance I would get it again.
I’m trying not to be skeptical and instead, celebrate the good news, but I can’t help but wonder if maybe they tested too early. With Emma I was closer to 30 weeks, but I know it is normal to test between 24 and 28 weeks. I’m going to chat with the doctor next week at my appt. about it all, so hopefully that will erase any doubt.
Maybe this will be my easy-going child after all… Hey, I guess anything is possible! :o)
Prayer Works!
I don’t have the results back yet, but I have to thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. Amazingly enough, my 3-hour glucose test went just fine. Not one ounce of sickness! Unlike last time, I was able to use the time to get caught up on some work and Bible study. I actually kinda enjoyed the time to myself.
Honestly, I don’t care what the results are at this point… I really don’t. In fact, I’m not sure I’ll believe them if the results come back negative. But no need to dwell on what I can’t control. For now, I’m just praising God for answered prayers. Why do we ever doubt?