Right before the first snowflake fell last night, we pulled in our driveway, rockstar in tow.
We are home. Thank you, God!
At first I was a little nervous about going home so quickly, but the neurosurgeons convinced me that because Brooklyn was doing so great that it was actually better for her to recover in her home environment — it’s more comfortable and it’s healthier. So just 24 hours after her surgery, we were on our way home. We even got home in time to tuck the girls in bed. What a blessing.
Brooklyn is doing really well and doesn’t seem to mind the shunt. Jeff and I are still getting used to seeing it. We expected it to be smaller and unnoticeable, but it is actually quite large and sticks out of the back of her head. As she gets hair, you won’t be able to see it, but for now, it does take us back a little. You can also feel the tube as it travels down her body to her stomach, which is a little strange. It all still makes my knees a bit weak.
BUT it is helping her. Her head size has already come down, and the veins in her head aren’t nearly as large and dark as they were. Her soft spot is truly soft and she seems to be the same old Brooklyn. I tell you that nothing brought more joy to our hearts than seeing her smile yesterday morning…her way of telling us that all is truly well.
There is a bit more to worry about now that she has a shunt, but assuming things continue on the path they are on now, Brooklyn should have a BETTER quality of life moving forward.
I do have a lot more to share, but I really want to enjoy my family today, so that will all have to wait a little while. I just wanted to let you all know that we are home and say THANK YOU so very, very, very (very!) much for all of your prayers. You have no idea what a comfort it was sending our daughter off to surgery knowing we had an ARMY of warriors praying for her. Your many prayers not only covered and protected Brooklyn, they covered and filled Jeff and I as well.
We are humbled, blessed, and forever grateful to all of you. May He bless you as you have all blessed us!