I’ve always wondered what Emma dreams about. In fact, I can’t wait until she understands what a dream is so she can tell me all about it. Still, I ask her every morning. To my surprise, I’ve been getting answers lately…
Mom: Did you sleep good last night, Emma?
Emma: Yeah!!!
M: What did you dream about?
E: Ummmm, nothing. [sigh] Just angels and butterflies.
Now, I’m not banking on the fact that she really knew what she was saying, but it was still so sweet to hear. Angels and butterflies… if you ask me, that’s what every little girl’s dreams should be made of!
And then I ask her again this morning, and she tells me she dreamed about “horses, pigs and cows.”
“What were they doing?” I ask.
She replies, “Eating grass.”
Doesn’t have quite the same ring to it, does it?