Want a sure-fire way to find out if your child truly has a food allergy? Well, simply buy soy milk instead of rice milk, give said poison to your unsuspecting toddler, and watch as the reaction unfolds. Even better, don’t realize it until after you have given her three 6-oz servings of it and she has developed the most horrible diaper rash on the planet — and the smelliest diapers in all the land.
Yes, we now officially have confirmation that Emma does indeed react to soy milk. And I even have my Mom to verify this, especially the smelly diaper part. Oh and that poor, poor little butt was so very sore. My mom said Desitin almost wouldn’t stick to it. Ouch!
I remember during one visit to the GI, Dr. N jokingly told Jeff to give Emma something I thought she reacted to without telling me. In other words, a lot of this may be in my head. While I feel there may be some truth to this little theory, I can now officially say that in this case, I saw the reaction BEFORE I even knew what I did. So ha, Dr. N! I’m not crazy!!!
Oh wait, I did buy the wrong milk, didn’t I…