At least that’s my excuse for giving in and buying that dress that you all “tried” to talk me out of… um, thanks! :o) My other excuse is that she will actually get three uses out of it — she’ll wear it for her 1-year photo, wear it on the party day, and hopefully wear it to church the Sunday after her birthday. Oh yeah, and it’s our birthday gift to her. What else do you buy a 1 year old who has everything she needs? A personalized birthday dress of course!!!! (And yes, we put “Emma” on the dress!)
Besides, who can deny such a little cutie? She is just too darn adorable — and pretty smart too. Here are some of the recent developments in Emma Land:
So there’s a quick glimpse into our little pistol’s life at 11 months. She sure is fun, but also a bit intense (um, like her father??) and keeps me more than busy. But as those tired, weak, horrible sick days only further proved, I would NEVER want her any other way!