I lay here in the early hours, waiting for the little pitter patter of feet. I am scared. He knows, but I tell Him anyway.
I close my eyes.
I see Him. His hands. He stretches them out to me and hands me my baby.
“Here, she is, child. It is now your turn to take care of her. She is special. You may not understand the decisions I have made, but I trust you. Her strength will be her spirit. Guide it, nurture it…for it will bless many.”
I nod my head. I look in her eyes, and I know He has created beauty beyond my comprehension. Heavenly beauty that I get to share with the world. I am proud, and I am happy.
This day, she is mine. But, more importantly, she is still His. Together, we will show the world that His plan is always perfect. Always good.
Always beautiful.