It didn’t take long after Emma was born for me to understand what I kept hearing from every parent I knew: “It goes by way too fast.”
Now, with two kids, I feel like time is seriously flying by. My girls are growing way too fast before my eyes. I’m afraid to blink.
Kendall is somehow already 9 months old, is crawling like crazy, and standing on her own for long periods of time. She has two teeth, with more are on the way.
Emma is in a big girl bed and will be turning 3 in just a few weeks. I don’t think I’m ready for that.
I’m trying so hard to soak in the moments, but I admit they often get clouded by lack of sleep and toddler tantrums. Still, when they both look up with me with those blue eyes, I am overwhelmed with gratitude that I get to spend my days with these two little girls.