This one is growing up way too fast, and I am trying hard to figure out how to let go while still staying close.
This one cracks me up, but has a sensitive heart that I pray we are filling much more than we are hurting.
This one is giving me more strength these days than she will ever realize, and I am convinced now more than ever that she was meant for me — and not the other way around.
My three loves, pulling my heart strings in all sorts of directions but somehow holding me together; tugging and mending, just enough so that the love overflows.
(Linking up to Small Style at Mama Loves Papa)
Making it work…
Emma: cardigan and belt- Target; jeans- Gap
Kendall: coat- Target, Emma hand-me-down; cords- Kohls, Emma hand-me-down; shoes- Koala Kids, friend hand-me-down
Brooklyn: dress- Old Navy, Kendall hand-me-down; leggings- Gymboree, niece hand-me-down; hat- gifted, Kendall-hand-me down