This question was asked of me a few weeks ago during an interview for a MOPS newsletter. (For those of you who don’t know, MOPS is a social program for mothers of children preschool age and under. Emma and I attend every other Friday at my church so we can play with kids our own age.)
Anyway, at the time of the interview, I couldn’t think of a good answer, which has bugged the crap out of me ever since. So the anal retentive (or is it obsessive compulsive?) side of me has been creating this list in my head, and I thought I might as well share. So enjoy and let me know what would be on your list!
You Know You’re a Mom When…
1. You would give up chocolate for the well being of your child… twice.
2. You have mastered the art of sleeping while sitting straight up.
3. Sleep is no longer necessary for everyday functioning.
4. The sound of a burp brings an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.
5. A poopy diaper warrants an excited call to Daddy at work.
6. You shower every other day…if you’re lucky.
7. You finally have a good excuse as to why the hair on you legs is almost as long as the hair on your head.
8. You now understand why God gave you hips.
9. Peeing alone has become a luxury.
10. You become numb to the fact that you are ALWAYS doing laundry.
11. You now talk in the third person.
12. Your CD player is full of instrumental music.
13. The last good book you read involved pop-up chickens.
14. Your pant leg has become a Kleenex.
15. You literally thank God for pacifiers.
16. You are proud of the original hand movements you created for “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”
17. Hoodies and elastic pants are wardrobe staples.
18. Your lips have turned into a thermometer.
19. No day is complete without tummy time.
20. A mysterious red bump prompts a frantic search of every medical Web site you can find.
21. The most adventurous thing you’ve done all day is drive to the bank. (This line item may change when a toddler is involved.)
22. A long nap triggers a mad dash up the stairs to confirm breathing.
23. The layout of Babies R Us actually makes sense to you.
24. Bright-colored plastic decorates every room of your home.
25. One smile from your baby makes you want to do it all over again.